
20th May 2024: Shipra defended his PhD thesis on the topic, "Joint Mitigation of Anlog Imperfections in MIMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output) System". Congratulations to Dr Shipra. 

16th January 2024: Debashish Mondal defended his PhD thesis on the topic, "Investigations on high-power sub-terahertz Gyrotrons". Congratulations to Dr Debashish Mondal.


25th November 2023: Panelist in online discussion on ‘climate change and sustainability’ in IEEE Women in Engineering International Conference in Electrical and Computer Engineering by IEEE Kerala Chapter.

16th November 2023: Surbhi Adya defended his PhD thesis on the topic, " Investigations on Second Harmonic Gyrotrons". Congratulations to Dr Surbhi Adya.

30 July 2023: Prof. Meenakshi Rawat gave an expert talk on "Transmitter efficiency enhancement: a green communication perspective" in the workshop "Role of Engineers in reversing climate change and Fostering Green Energy" held in IEEE IIT WIE Hyderabad Section in association with MTT-S/AP-S/EMC-S joint chapter.

20 June 2023: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat gave a talk on "Signal Processing Techniques to enhance energy and efficiency of advance communication system" under IEEE MTTS and APS SBC at IIT Jammu.

2 May 2023Dr. Meenakshi Rawat gave a talk on  “Advanced applications of Analog/digital signal processing techniques for energy-efficient multi-band/broadband Transmitters, " in CEP conducted by DEAL Dehradun.

28 April 2023: Ashish Kumar defended his PhD thesis on the topic, " Hybrid Linearization Techniques for Broadband 5G and Beyond Transmitter". Congratulations to Dr Ashish Kumar.


12 - 16 December 2022: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat is co-chair of the Technical Program for Microwave, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON) 2022.

5 June - 8 June 2022: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat is co-chair of the Technical Program for the Wireless, Antenna, and Microwave Symposium (WAMS) 2022.


1 December 2021: Anurag Vijay Agrawal defended his PhD thesis on the topic, "Energy-Efficient MIMO/Massive MIMO Communication with Practical Power Amplifiers for Intelligent Transportation Systems". Congratulations to Dr Anurag Vijay Agrawal.

27 August 2021: Rupender Singh defended his PhD thesis on the topic, " Performance and Physical layer security of RF and FSO Links for 5G Wireless-powered Networks and Beyond". Congratulations to Dr Rupender Singh. 

25 June 2021: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has given a technical talk on  "Analog/digital predistortion techniques for multi-band/broadband Power Amplifiers " as a part of workshop titled "Highly Linear and Linearized Power Amplifiers for mm-Wave Communications", in Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Atlanta, GA as virtual event.

16 June - 19 June 2021: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat was instructor for the workshop, “Training Program on Basics Software Defined Radio Architectures & building blocks of SDR waveform development for SDR” in Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore.


07 June 2021: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has given a technical talk on  "Digital/ RF solutions for Efficiency and signal quality Enhancement in RF transmitters", in the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai.

31 March 2021: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has given a talk on  "Debugging software-defined-radios and its applications for advanced communication system", in IEEE Bombay Section MTT-S Chapter.

25 Feb 2021: Girish Chandra Tripathi defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic, " Software-Defined-Solutions for nonlinearities in sub 6 GHz to mmWAVE Transmitters". Congratulations to Dr. Girish Chandra Tripathi.

11-15 January 2021: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat was one of the co-ordinators and instructors for Quality Improvement Program, “Advanced Signal Processing and Optimization Techniques for Solving Real-World Problems, held in IIT Roorkee.


17-19 August 2020: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat participated as one of the instructors in the workshop, “High Efficiency Power Amplifiers” in Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore.

13-15 July 2020: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat participated as one of the instructors in the workshop, “Training Program on Basics Software Defined Radio Architectures & building blocks of SDR waveform development for SDR” in Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore.

29 January 2020: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has presented paper titled, “Linear Vector Signal Generator for X-band Communication” in Radio &Wireless Week, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.

January 26, 2020: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has delivered lecture under workshop on :Machine Learning and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for RF Components and Systems: from Modeling to Linearization" Radio &Wireless Week, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.


14 December 2019:  Chaired the session on “Women in microwave” in 7th IEEE MTT-S International Microwave & RF Conference (IMaRC-2019), IIT Bombay, 13-15 December 2019.
13 December 2019: Technical chair for the session, “Waveguides and Waveguide Components”, in 7th IEEE MTT-S International Microwave & RF Conference (IMaRC-2019), IIT Bombay, 13-15 December 2019.

22 August 2019: Karan Gumber defended his thesis on the topic, "Linearizer development for wideband signal transmission using software defined radios". Congratulations to Dr. Karan Gumber. 

5-16 July 2019: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat was instructor and co-coordinator for Training Program on " Basics of software Defined Radio Architectures and building blocks of SDR Waveform development for SDR " in Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore 2019.

7 June 2019: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has presented paper on "Harmonic Cancellation Technique for Ultra-Wideband Filter-Less 5G Transmitters " in ARFTG Boston.

3 June 2019: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has given lecture on " Linearization implementation challenges and techniques for 5G waveforms"   under workshop  “Measurement and Design Techniques for Next-Generation Communication Systems” in IEEE International Microwave Symposium Boston.

2 March 2019: Praveen Jaraut defended his thesis on the topic, "Digital Predistortion linearization for multi-band/ Multi-channel software defined transmitters". Congratulations to Dr. Praveen Jaraut. 

22 Feb 2019: Technical chair for the session, "Antenna Design" in IEEE National Conf. on Commun. (NCC), Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.


19-21 July 2018: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat was instructor and co-coordinator for Training Program on "Linearized Power Amplifier" in Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore from 19th July to 21st July 2018.

11 June 2018: Lecture on “Advanced Applications of Nonlinear Vector Network Measurements for broadband RF Power Amplifiers Design and Linearization”, IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS-2018), Philadelphia, June 2018.

22 May 2018:  Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has given a CEP lecture on "Digital base-band solutions for analog imperfection in 4G/5G SDR front-end"  conducted by DEAL Dehradun from 22nd May 2018.

8 March 2018: Girish Chandra Tripathi was awarded Young Scientiest Award in the 12th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress 2017-18 on 07-08 March at UCOST, Vgyan Dham Dehardun on 22nd May 2018 (Link).


22-26 December 2017: GIAN course titled " Signal Processing Techniques for Energy and Spectrum Efficient Wireless Transmitters for 4G/5G Communication " was organized by Dr. Meenakshi Rawat at IIT Roorkee.

13 December 2017: Girish Chandra Tripathi received the best student paper award with  a cash prize of INR 25000 for the paper titled “A Low-Cost Test Bench for the Characterization of Microwave Devices Using Modulated Envelope Signal” presented in IEEE MTTS Int. Microw. & RF Conf., (IMaRC), Ahmedabad, 2017.

17-19 November 2017: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has given lecture during workshop on, “National Conference on Emerging Trends in Vacuum Electronic Devices & Applications, IIT Roorkee, 17 Nov. -19 Nov., 2017.

25-29 September 2017: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat was local Co-ordinator for the course  "Embedded Systems & IoT Applications" under E&ICT Academy in CADC, Mohali from 25 to 29 September.

9 June 2017: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has presented paper on " Independent Component Analysis for Multi-Carrier Transmission for 4G/5G Power Amplifiers" in 89th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

4 June 2017: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has delivered lecture on “Broadband Behavioral Modeling and Linearization Techniques for 5G”, International Microwave Symposium (IMS-2018), Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

13-22 May 2017: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat was local Coordinator and one of the instructors for the course "Fundamentals of Analog and Digital Communication System" under E&ICT Academy in IIT Roorkee, Mohali, from 13 to 22 May 2017.

10-14 March 2017: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat was local Coordinator and one of the instructors for the course "Building blocks for 5G communication: IoT, SDR and sensor networks" under E&ICT Academy in IIT Roorkee, Mohali , from 10 to 14 March 2017.

11 July 2017: Praveen Jarauat, Karan Gumber, Girish Chandra Tripathi designed an appropriate DPD algorithm for the linearization of a 4G handset power amplifier (PA) with dynamic supply to be used in 4G handsets operating with dual- band OFDM-like waveforms in Power amlplifer Linearization though Digital Pre-distortion (DPD) IMS Student Design Competition and Rohde & Schwarz Engineering DPD Cup On-Line Competition from 2017. 


15-16 October 2016: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat was instructor co-coordinator Technical Program Chair for International Conference on Wireless Networks & Embedded Systems (WECON-2016) at Chitkara University, Punjab, India, from 15 to 16 October 2016.

22 Feb 2016: Listed as featured engineer on EEWeb (an electrical engineer community), 2016.(click here)


6-10 July 2015: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat delivered expert lecture titled "Practical applications of digital signal processing and filtering techniques" in the AICTE (QIP) sponsored short term course from 6-10 July, 2015.

27-29 March 2015: Girish Chandra Tripathi  secured 2nd position in prototype competition in Cognizance 2015, IIT Roorkee held from March 27th to 29th 2015.

10 June 2015: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat was One day workshop organized under IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) Student Chapter on topic, "GaN Devices Fabrication, Device Modeling and Power Amplifier Design" from 10 june 2015.


15 -17 December 2014: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat has co-ordinated and given lecture in workshop on “Power Amplifiers and digital schemes for Efficient Multi-band/Multi-Standard Wireless Transmitters in the context of Software Defined Radios” in International Microwave and RF Conference, iMARC 2014, Dec. 15-17, 2014.


18 November 2013: Dr. Meenakshi Rawat was short-course organizer during  "82nd Microwave Measurement" sponsored by Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG) .